MSU has a deal with Oracle. Since last year, MSU has a varsity license
with Oracle and now is very cheap to get it.
Ramon Hernandez wrote:
> Probably a good thing MSU cut a deal with Oracle.
> --Ray
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Laurence Bates <[log in to unmask]
> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> Having spent a frustrating afternoon trying to install XAMPP v1.7
> I checked into the source of the problem. In doing so, I noticed
> the following URL's which appear to cast doubt on the coding
> techniques used in some of the most important open source code
> that we rely on.
> I particularly like the last comment of the second URL: - "*btw: What was the reason for not patching (MySQL) 5.x branches?* " All the more so since the comment is only two days old and both Sun and are touting MySQL 5.1 as the best thing since sliced bread – see below.
Oscar Castaneda
Michigan State University