At the Kellogg Biological Station we upgraded several groups of machines
from Office 2003 to Office 2007 shortly after users had a half day
course on 2007. The upgrade was driven by the fact that users were
receiving many files in Office 2007 format, and would sometimes have
problems opening them.
We installed from a network share and took advantage of a .MSP file to
customize the installation (created using setup.exe /admin), and we took
advantage of the fact that you can put .MSP files from Microsoft Office
security updates and service packs in the Updates folder. .MSP files in
the Updates folder will be applied automatically by setup.exe after the
initial installation is completed.
We also had a file save problem, but it was folder specific. The
problem was do to a slight change in behavior between Word-Excel 2003
and Word-Excel 2007 when saving files. In 2003, if you saved a file to
a folder where you did not have delete access, the save succeeded, but a
hidden temporary file was left behind. In 2007, if you attempted to
save a file to a folder where you did not have delete access, the save
would fail with an error message that was not very useful. Giving the
user delete access to the folder resolved the problem and it allowed
Word to delete the temporary files instead of leaving them behind.
I tried to find a way to configure Word and Excel to put the document
specific temporary files in a different location, but I was unsuccessful.