Hello Teachers
I wanted to alert you to a great source of lesson plans about the
*history of the earth* and *radiometric dating* for all age-groups on
the EARTHTIME-webpage at http://earth-time.org/
The lesson plans were developed by MIT and the Denver National History
museum, and contain great material to work with. You can go to the
"Education overview" link to choose between posters, videos and
curricula/lesson plans for 5-8 grades, 9-10 grade and 10-12 grades. You
will also find useful time scales and other material to work with.
For those interested in the posters or the DVD can contact either myself
([log in to unmask]) or Prof. Sam Bowring ([log in to unmask]) ,
we will send out DVD's and posters.
In addition, if someone wants to adopt the 10-12grades lab day lesson
about radioactive decay ( http://www.earth-time.org/lessonplan.html ),
the EARTHTME people will prepare kits of materials for help you
implement the lesson. Again contact either myself or Sam Bowring.
In addition, we seek your input on this material - does it work for
you? Is there material you would like to see in addition to this?
Thanks for your feedback,