If it is the one I just saw "Antivirus 2008", it came with a video codec.
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 11:09:52AM -0400, Chris Wolf wrote:
> Does anyone know what specific vulnerability is being
> exploited here? Were the computers involved completely up-to-date with MS
> patches and still got infected?
> From: MSU Network Administrators Group
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Bosman, Don Sent:
> Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:07 AM To:
> [log in to unmask] Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] XP or Vista Antivirus 2008
> ..... Here is one mechanism of infection
> I
> always accepted users comments that they didn’t know how they got infested
> because its generally the truth. I didn’t understand how they couldn’t have
> noticed that their machine had slowed, but even on campus the network can get
> frustratingly slow at times. Now that it happened to me, I can tell you one
> way to get it. Using MSIE, browse to a recommended site from a news aggregator
> who has never let you down in the past. After thirty seconds or so your
> machine slows to the point that any tech knows it’s been infested. There are
> thousands of sites that are harboring mal-ware scripts. I know I should have
> been using Firefox, but for some reason I was in IE.
> For
> my home machine running online scans offered by both
> www.antivirus.com (Trend Micro) and
> http://www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner
> (Kaspersky Labs) cleaned up the problem. While not requiring much interaction
> from me, the scan process did take hours.
> Here
> at work I used to trust HitmanPro II
> http://www.hitmanpro.nl/hitmanpro/
> but even it hasn’t been catching the latest script installed malware.
> Best
> practice as of today – Run Firefox or Opera with scripting turned off. I was
> amazed at the number of everyday sites that require scripting to do simple
> things that could have been better coded. Now I generally recover data from
> another profile and re-image the machine.
> Good
> luck.
> Don
> Bosman
> Information
> Technologist
> Libraries,
> Michigan State University
> 100 Library
> East Lansing, MI 48824-1048
> [log in to unmask]
> (517) 432-6123 ext 233
> Fax (517) 432-8374