A lot of credit cards will extend the warranty another year on top of
the manufacturers warranty, thus making a $600-$700 Dell laptop a good
value proposition. If you know where to look (see www.fatwallet.com),
you can get a fairly loaded laptop for around $750, and put on the right
credit/charge card, you get the benefit of a two year warranty.
Not bad, considering a fully loaded laptop over 5 years ago would cost
$2500 plus.
Credit cards that offer warranty vary, but most American Express (many
of which have no annual fee, such as the Clear, Blue Sky, Blue Cash, and
regular Blue), and Mastercard Gold/Platinums and Visa Signatures offer it.
Timothy Woods wrote:
> Rich,
> I agree with you on a laptop as cheap as $500 it probably would not be worth
> paying the extra. One real concern with buying a cheaper laptop is they
> usually have only a one year warranty to start. Most users will keep a
> laptop 3 or more years. The time you purchased a 3 year warranty and added
> Complete Care the cost/benefit would probably not be worth purchasing the
> extra warranties.