Surato, Michael S. wrote:
> However, that breaks the conversation rather than facilitate it. What I
> was hoping is that the forum technology would be able to have both push
> and pull technology that would be flexible. If this is not the case,
> then we will have this problem again.
Perhaps you can consider me the troll here, but I'd like to think
otherwise. I'd like to legitimately offer up IRC as a resource again
(would I really be doing my job as the IRCop to not be pushing this
service?) It is great for both active and passive communicae and a
small percentage of folks on MSUNAG have joined since the last time I've
mentioned it a year ago. The only other better service I can think of
is Jabber. However, we do not have an instance of this available as of yet.
Forums are not going to be the NAG replacement, but rather it will be a
bit better at being a knowledge-base of sorts. Naturally MSUNAG will
continue to exist well into the next epoch.
*shrug* Just my three cents.