I know it worked with a copy of Windows XP Pro when I downloaded the
VL ISO, but there are different options depending on your subscription.
Troy Murray
On May 13, 2008, at 8:38 AM, Jon Galbreath <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> The only caveat there might be that the MSDN/TechNet ISO may not
> accept a
> volume license key. Because I'd thought of that option too.
> Jon Galbreath
> MCSA/MCSE/Security+
> Network/Systems Administrator
> International Studies and Programs
> Ph: 517-884-2144
> [log in to unmask]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
> Behalf Of Troy Murray
> Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:23 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] Exchange 2007 Standard Media
> Ehren,
> I've experienced somewhat similiar problems after the Cstore switched
> to this new distributor, disappointing.
> I don't have the media for you, however, I think that if someone has
> the MSDN subscription they can download the ISO for you.
> --
> Troy Murray
> On May 12, 2008, at 11:17 PM, Ehren Benson <[log in to unmask]
>> wrote:
>> Nag-
>> This is an uncommon request but I wonder if anyone has the campus
>> exchange 2007 standard media that our department could use to
>> install the system while we are awaiting the arrival of the media we
>> have ordered. We can show reciepts to prove we have purchased media
>> and licenses if you are concerned.
>> We decided to go with exchange 07 for our department on April 1,
>> placed orders for hardware and media within a week from that. We
>> have had our hardware up and generating heat for almost 3 weeks now,
>> we inquired with the computer store after not receiving the media
>> after nearly a month, they followed up with thier distributor and
>> found that they dropped the ball on our order and somethng got
>> messed up and the distributor had to reorder it.
>> I called the distributor directly today and its taking them 2 days
>> to just find out the status of the order. In short we are sick of
>> waiting and continuing to use our crippled existing email system and
>> just want to get this going. It's my impression that the media is
>> all the same for the campus licenses so if someone could let us use
>> thiers to get it installed we can get this rolling. If I am
>> incorect about the media nevermind but I am pretty sure all the
>> media is the same. Someone can let me know.
>> Please respond directly to me. Thanks!
>> Ehren J. Benson, MCSE
>> Windows Systems Administrator
>> Department of Physics and Astronomy
>> Michigan State University
>> 1209 A Biomed Phys Sci
>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>> 517-884-5469
>> ________________________________
>> From: MSU Network Administrators Group on behalf of Ron Rivard
>> Sent: Mon 5/12/2008 3:38 PM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: [MSUNAG] Dell Computing Seminar
>> Dell will be in Detroit at Cobo Hall on Thursday, June 5th to
>> discuss the "Future of Computing". Topics include Mobile computing,
>> Virtualization and Green computing. You can register for individual
>> seminars that are of interest to you by going to the link below.
>> Web Site: http://fct.dell-events.com/na/usa/detroit/
> <http://fct.dell-events.com/na/usa/detroit/
>> Ron Rivard
>> Manager, MSU Computer Store
>> 110 Computer Center
>> E. Lansing, MI 48824
>> (517) 432-5365
>> http://cstore.msu.edu <http://cstore.msu.edu/>