I think one should consider the fluidity of personnel on campus. If we
all have addresses of [log in to unmask] and use the campus mail.msu.edu
as a mail forwarding service, a change of position does not require a
change of email address. I'm also betting on mail.msu.edu services
becoming more robust in the future.
Mel Micke [log in to unmask] 517/ 43 2-7302
Michigan State University
Academic Technology Services - Systems Integration
316 Computer Center, East Lansing MI 48824-1042
-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Charlot, Firmin
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:55 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] Mail Forwarding
Whenever possible one should consider redundancy and mail flow issues
from all sides; what happens if mail.msu.edu has a hiccup and what
happens if one's in-house email server has a hiccup?
Firmin Charlot, MCSE, A+, Information Systems Manager
Educational and Support Services 162 Student Services Building East
Lnsing, MI 48824
[log in to unmask] (517) 432-7541
Submit technical requests at http://help.ess.msu.edu/
-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Jon Galbreath
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 9:32 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] Mail Forwarding
You understood perfectly. And it sounds like we were on the same page
far as the outcome. Perhaps I'll leave it up to the end user whether or
to designate the @isp.msu.edu address on business cards or
since that would eliminate the potential forwarding delays, despite them
being rare.
Thanks for the info!
Jon Galbreath
Network/Systems Administrator
International Studies and Programs
Ph: 517-884-2144
[log in to unmask]
-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Brian Martinez
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 9:13 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] Mail Forwarding
Jon Galbreath wrote:
> All,
> We are moving forward with our move from mail.msu.edu to an in-house
> Exchange installation. During the most recent Q&A session I suggested
> that we leave everyone's address as the standard @msu.edu address and
> just forward it into Exchange to make it easy if you ever leave our
> unit and also to keep from having to update distribution lists with
> new email addresses.
> One person asked about what happens when mail.msu.edu has another
> hiccup like the one that happened a couple weeks back where mail
> clients and the web interface were both offline. Would mail still
> forward on?
> My best recollection was that messages weren't bouncing and were just
> queuing on the servers but we couldn't access them. If that were the
> case, would a mail forwarder (not a filter, just a straight forward)
> still pass mail on even if mail.msu.edu were down?
> Thanks for your help!
If I'm understanding what you are asking correctly the answer is, yes
mail will still forward on, but only when mail.msu.edu is back up. In
the situation where everything is down, the original sender's will queue
up the message on their end as "Host unreachable" and their SMTP
software will attempt to retry every so often (it all depends on what
their config is).
If mail is up and running but just being hammered down and "unreachable"
to our users, chances are pretty great that we will be the ones queuing
up the emails waiting to forward them on when the queue-runners get to
To sum up, email should always (eventually, heh) be coming through. Let
me know if I misunderstood.