I use Nero. It is also free.
Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> I have a user who has about 10 CD Roms worth of data that need to be
> copied. Is there any freeware utility available that would do this
> efficiently? In other words, insert source, insert target, done.
> Windows includes the CD Writing Wizard, but there doesn't seem to be a
> way within the OS to streamline the process. Maybe such a utility was
> left out intentionally due to copyright concerns; However, it seems
> rather silly that we have diskCopy for floppy disks, but nothing similar
> for CDs.
> Thanks,
> Al Puzzuoli
> Information Technologist
> Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities 517-884-1915 120 Bessey
> Hall East Lansing, MI 48824-1033
> http://www.rcpd.msu.edu
Oscar Castaneda
Michigan State University