Yes, it would be interesting IF the purchase happens, however I understand
that Zimbra has a good size install base, but it would surprise me if M$
killed it pushing Exchange.
On 2/1/08 10:39 AM, "Tony Cooke" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Well I guess that means no more Zimbra (note Yahoo's recent purchase). Too
> bad, beacuse it had a lot of Exchange's features. I mean, it wasn't an
> *exact* copy, but it was pretty close.
> In fact, I'd be surprised if mail server SW isn't as-much a part of the
> purchase decision as the search engine wars are, if not more.
> Tony Cooke
> Departmental Systems & Services
> Administrative Information Services
> Michigan State University
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> On Feb 1, 2008, at 7:01 AM, Matt Kolb wrote:
>> Wow:
> Woop! I gave you the wrong link! I guess I'm not feeling lucky ;)
> ./mk
> --
> Matt Kolb <[log in to unmask]>
> Academic Computing & Network Services
> Michigan State University