I am writing to inform interested teachers about the Lab Link: EARTHTIME
Please pass this email on to teachers and colleagues you think might be
Lab Link: EARTHTIME is a major initiative funded by the NSF to push the science
of geochronology forward and the PI is Sam Bowring of MIT. There is also an
educational outreach component of the program that is being largely run by the
Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We at the MIT museum in conjunction with
Bowring and his colleagues at the Denver Musuem of Nature and science (DMNS)
plan to expand these outreach activities, especially in the northeast. Our
component will be to connect high school students from the Boston area (and
nationally) with researchers in the Bowring Lab via the MIT Museum's MIT360
space for live audience video programs about the topic earth time/age of rocks.
Ultimately this will be expanded to other labs as well.
A selected audience of local high school earth science students will attend a
live conversation among researchers at the MIT Museum while an online audience
of schools from across the US will watch a live webcast and contribute
questions through teleconferencing.
A live video setup at the Bowring Lab will provide students with an immediate
and interactive glimpse of a working laboratory for geochronology, and allow
for moderated conversation among all parties: students watching the webcast,
students in the live audience, researchers at the MIT Museum, and researchers
in the Bowring Lab.
Student engagement will continue after the event via online archived video and
follow-up lesson plans developed by the MIT Museum and the Bowring Lab.
Evaluation will be conducted through feedback collected from teachers in
participating schools.
Further information about the EARTHTIME project can be found on the webpage
If you are interested in joining us (no matter if attending live or not) or if
you have any questions, please contact me at [log in to unmask]
Britta Bookhagen