Have you thought of just moving your left margin over an inch or so.
Switching into the 'Header & Footer' view, inserting the information and
images you need using a text box in that mode? This is how we've made word
letterhead before. Using the larger left margin allows for the column and
yet doesn't affect the flow of the rest of the document.
I hope this helps.
Missy Koos
Webmistress & Database Developer
*nix Administrator
Vice President for Student Affairs and Services &
Associate Provost for Academic Student Affairs and Multicultural Issues
171 Student Services Building
Michigan State University
Phone: 517.432.7512
On 11/13/07 4:33 PM, "Peter J Murray" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello
> Like a lot of colleges on campus, we have the traditional letterhead
> that works on two columns. I made a two column word document, and it
> works alright, as long as you only have one page. If you have more than
> one page, then the text starts to flow in the smaller left column, which
> you can manually fix with a lot of carriage returns. Is there someone
> who has made a letterhead template that works for documents regardless
> of length, or knows how to make one?
> Peter Murray
> James Madison