Someone mentioned the front end being an area of concern. My web host
is using this now, and it's a very nice interface, and it's still in
house. Putting more money into our system is not a bad thing at all,
and I suspect it costs much less than people think it does. For
example, this front end software costs $3,000 for unlimited users. They
also offer back end software as well with group ware and all that. The
whole software package is only around $10,000 for unlimited users for
front end and back end, all open source, all in sourced. Throw some
disk quota and some more servers and worrying about Google goes away.
For an example of a great in sourced MSU product, look at the Avaya
phone system. MSU can do great things in this regard.
Kwiatkowski, Nicholas wrote:
> grand scale. As I understand it, the majority of the reason prompting
> the U