Campus does not have any contracts with any GSM providers at this time,
so coverage is pretty spotty. The closer to the 'edge' of campus you
are, the better luck you have.
I have T-Mobile (which uses the same frequency, and peers with AT&T for
coverage), and coverage on the streets is OK. Coverage within some
buildings (Physical Plant, ComArts, etc) is spotty.
Coverage along all the major highways is very good. Coverage in major
cities and populated area are pretty good too. Once you start going out
in the country-side, it is spotty, if not non-existent. If you go up
north with any frequency, I would ask for a dual-mode (analog/digital)
phone if they are still available. Most of the peers north of the
Cadillac / Bay City line are still running analog service, or
unsupported digital services.
-Nick Kwiatkowski
MSU Telecom Systems
-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Peter J Murray
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:20 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] cellular coverage on campus
I know that MSU has a contract with Verizon and the coverage is
generally excellent, I'm looking though for people's experiences with
AT&T/Cingular on campus and in the surrounding area. It's been a while
since we've had this conversation and I'm sure things have changed
considerably. (and no, I wouldn't switch for an iPhone). If you have
AT&T coverage experience anywhere else in Michigan, I'd like to hear
from you too.