Only issue we've seen here is, again, the MMC snapin. I've created a few
utilities for advanced users that, I've had to recreate on their machines
because the MMC with SP2 is newer than what comes in the AdminPak.
On 7/9/07 10:55 AM, "Troy Murray" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Just wanted to see if the general consensus on applying and running
> Windows Server 2003 SP2 was still positive or if anyone has run across
> a snag.
> Thanks,
> -t
> On 4/13/07, Erik Selke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> All 4 of my 2k3 servers are running it w/o issue.
>> Erik
>> Peter J Murray wrote:
>>> On a related matter, anyone had any experiences with SP2 for Windows
>>> Server 2003?
>>> Laurence Bates wrote:
>>>> What is the general consensus about the best way of installing
>>>> Microsoft's regular update Patches?
>>>> 1) Automatically install when available
>>>> 2) Automatically download and install ASAP
>>>> 3) Automatic download and install after a reasonable comment period.
>>>> 4) Do extensive testing before installing regular updates
>>>> 5) Install first on a virtual LAN which mimics all of the major
>>>> servers ;-)
>>>> Laurence A. Bates
>>>> College of Education
>>>> Michigan State University
>>>> 217E Erickson Hall
>>>> East Lansing
>>>> MI 48824
>>>> 517-355-2178
>>>> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>> --
>> Erik Selke
>> Information Technologist
>> Department of Sociology
>> 316 Berkey Hall
>> Michigan State University
>> [log in to unmask]
>> (517) 353-1804