A simple thing that Google can offer that MSU can't - without a huge
expenditure - is space. Storage space. AFS space can no longer contain a
college career of work. We have people doing electronic reference work
that can fill their AFS space on the on the second scan from one
overhead scanner in the library. People doing microfiche, micro file,
and microfilm work can fill their AFS space with digital copies in a
very short time. Micro what? Film. It is still the most stable archiving
format in existence. Yes, anyone can forward Gmail, but it isn't
automatic and isn't something that's necessarily intuitive to high
school students. Anyone who thinks easy and intuitive are the same thing
should spend a day helping incoming students connect to the wireless
system. Just because they can use Facebook or MySpace to get themselves
into trouble doesn't mean they understand it.
Another thing Google can offer is an address that in theory could stay
with the individual for life. Affiliation to the U at no cost to the U
would be wonderful. I had one of the non-affiliated accounts before I
started working at MSU. I paid to get an address that wouldn't go away
if I changed, ISPs which I've done several times, and I paid the $10.00
to get my MSU work account address changed to my "old" address when the
non-affiliate accounts were shut off. Currently there doesn't appear to
be a written policy that will allow me, as a staff member, to keep that
address if I should leave MSU and students can only keep it for a couple
of years now. What are the intangible benefits of having graduates all
over the world using [log in to unmask] mail addresses? Anyone who
questions that should talk to people in the international studies office
and check out the sales of MSU merchandise to alumni.
Just my 3.5 cents worth. <--inflation you know.
Don Bosman
Information Technologist
Libraries, Michigan State University
100 Library
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048
[log in to unmask]
(517) 432-6123 ext 233
Fax (517) 432-8374
[Bosman, Don] ******************************************************
[Bosman, Don] much clipped for brevity
It most certainly was a metaphor. But I don't see how slapping an MSU
logo on Gmail buys anything than what exists now. I have gmail,
gdocs, gspreadsheets, gcalendar, gphotos, gtalk, gmoney, gwhatever...
I have all of these things now. I forward my MSU email to gmail. I
have gmail setup so that when people reply to me it goes to my @MSU
address. These things will be the same whether I use the plain jane
google interface, or whether I have gruff Sparty winking back at me.
My argument is what would we need to enter into an agreement with
them for? What does it buy us? #006633 colored lines in our gmail
client? I can have that now.