I feel kind of silly giving such an obvious answer, but...
It will save MSU huge amounts of money. The entire mail.msu.edu system would
be eliminated and the money that pays for its people and hardware could be
allocated elsewhere.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Hernandez [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 11:10 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [MSUNAG] google wants msu.edu?
> It most certainly was a metaphor. But I don't see how
> slapping an MSU logo on Gmail buys anything than what exists
> now. I have gmail, gdocs, gspreadsheets, gcalendar, gphotos,
> gtalk, gmoney, gwhatever...
> I have all of these things now. I forward my MSU email to
> gmail. I have gmail setup so that when people reply to me it
> goes to my @MSU address. These things will be the same
> whether I use the plain jane google interface, or whether I
> have gruff Sparty winking back at me.
> My argument is what would we need to enter into an agreement
> with them for? What does it buy us? #006633 colored lines in
> our gmail client? I can have that now.
> --Ray