Hey all you LAMP developers -
We just started upgrading our RHEL4 servers to RHEL5. RHEL5 is
bundled with PHP5, and we discovered that when we upgraded, some PHP
pages we were running broke. The problem is with the MySQL functions;
They no longer connect to our MySQL database server. After Googling this
problem, I learned that PHP5 no longer enables MySQL access by default,
and I also read that the functions have been renamed. The renamed
functions doesn't appear to be a problem for us, as the error messages
we've encountered do not indicate unknown functions (I assume the RedHat
implementation of PHP5 includes backward compatibility). We get messages
such as:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to
MySQL server on 'mysql.lib.msu.edu' (13)
I was able to connect to our mysql server from the upgraded RHEL5 server
with the mysql client, so the problem is definitely with PHP. All the
"solutions" to this problem I found explain how to enable mysql library
support by passing "--with-mysql" when you compile PHP5, but we didn't
built PHP5; it comes bundled with RedHat.
Any ideas?
Eric Weston, M.F.A.
Information Technology Professional
Michigan State University Libaries, Systems Unit
Friday the 13th falls on a Friday this month.