For those of you who may be running GroupWise as your email server,
Novell has announced they will release an updated version of the GWCHECK
tool with options for fixing incorrect DST-shited appointment. The tool
is scheduled for release on March 1st. See this announcement:
for more details, as well as links to the Novell information documents
on manual fixes for DST related appointment issues in GroupWise.
The master document for DST impacts on other Novell products is TID
#3094409. Go to and enter this TID number
in the search field to display a master document with links to DST
remediation documents on all Novell products, including Novell/SUSE
Linux Enterprise Edition.
I hope this helps anyone using Novell products.
John A. Resotko
Head of Systems Administration
Michigan State University College of Law
208 Law College Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 517-432-6836
Fax: 517-432-6861
Current Chairperson of the
MSU Network Communications Committee