Attached is a pdf file with more information about the itSMF presentation at
the Henry Center on 12/4/06.
Dear IT Practitioner,
The IT Service Management Forum (itSMF) Great Lakes Local Interest Group
(GLLIG) cordially invites you to Strategic Alignment of IT with Business /
Service Strategies and IT Agility on Monday, December 4, 2006
4:45 pm (EST) Networking
5:00 pm Welcome Address
6:15 pm Dinner
8:30 pm Program Concludes
James B. Henry Center for Executive Development in East Lansing, Michigan
Hosted by Academic Computing and Network Services, Michigan State University
The Service Strategies volume of ITIL v3 breaks new ground for practice of
service management within an already popular framework. It represents the
most significant set of changes from ITIL v2 as it seeks to provide guidance
for the senior management on how to assure long-term success in providing
value to customers through services. One of the authors of the books talks
about the significance of the Service Strategies volume and explains why the
book is placed at the core of the ITIL v3 service life-cycle model. Also
discussed are the types of questions the book helps managers answer.
Featured Events
* Guest speakers
* Co-author of ITIL V.3 - Service Strategies, Majid Iqbal from The IT
Services Qualification Center, Carnegie Mellon University and
* Eli Broad Professor of Information Technology, Vallabh Sambamurthy
from, The Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan StateUniversity
* Panelist Discussion
* Networking sessions with industry leaders
$10.00 non-members/students
No Charge itSMF members
Seating is limited to 120 people
To reserve your seat: REGISTRATION is AVAILABLE VIA
Thank you for your interest in the itSMF-GLLIG (
For more information contact:
Dush Fernando
[log in to unmask] $B!|(B (517) 432-5309
For general event and GLLIG information, e-mail [log in to unmask]
The itSMF (IT Service Management Forum, <http://www.> ) is a not-for-profit organization comprised of IT
practitioners and vendors committed to the advancement of ITIL best practice
framework for IT Service management.