I believe the exact wording is "2 Megahertz of processing" which to me
makes it all the more hilarious. Also, you're going to need at least 1
Gigabyte of RAM for those 2MHz of blazing power.
Why isn't this on youtube yet? (I would have recorded this when I first
saw it all those six months ago, but I don't have a DVR)
Chris Wolf wrote:
> Has anyone else seen the television ads for the MSU Computer Store
> running on local cable channels, such as Comedy Central, for the last
> six months or so? If so, did you catch the part that promises "2
> megahertz of processing power"? Shades of 1980!
> --Chris
> ==============================================
> Chris Wolf
> Computer Service Manager
> Agricultural Economics [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Michigan State University 517 353-5017