Headline on the Gartner front page...
Short and non-technical peice which had me reaching for a dictionary :-O
Doug Nelson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 04:02:47PM -0500, Ed Symanzik wrote:
>>Bosman, Don wrote:
>>>For the University, which is
>>>required to comply with laws like the Health Insurance Portability and
>>>Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
>>>Act (FERPA), the security risk of having data on public servers is too
>>Perhaps the U should ban HIPAA and FERPA data from desktops.
> Like it or not, many of us work with sensitive data on a regular basis,
> and it would be difficult to enforce a policy banning such data from
> desktops (and don't forget laptops and portable storage devices!).
> Google Desktop, and especially its new server-based document indexing feature,
> is certainly problematic. It seems to be worth some level of an educational
> campaign, at least here within the MSUNAG community.
> Doug