Along these same lines, the NSA makes some excellent step-by-step guides on
securing different operating systems, switches, routers, and so forth. They
also have the excellent "60 Minute Network Security Guide" at
All of them can be viewed at
| Bryan Murphy, CISSP
| Information Technology Coordinator
| MSU Plant Research Lab and Plant Biology
-----------[ 2/17/06 8:39 AM [log in to unmask] ]--------------
> I know in the past, many people have asked for manuals and templates to
> perform certain security tasks. The attached email references the English
> translation of a German "baseline" security document and accompanying
> materials that the author believes provides a good working model for IT
> security. I'm downloading and reviewing it now, and I can say my first
> impression is that it is quite comprehensive. You might want to take a look
> at them if you are looking for something like this. FYI, your mileage may
> vary, standard disclaimers apply. Enjoy!
> John A. Resotko
> Head of Systems Administration
> Michigan State University College of Law
> 208 Law College Building
> East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
> email: [log in to unmask]
> Phone: 517-432-6836
> Fax: 517-432-6861
> Current Chairperson of the
> MSU Network Communications Committee
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