I have looked for a good packet-filtering firewall for Windows similar to
the products that are available within many of the UNIX operating systems
(e.g. IP-Filter). I prefer to setup packet-filtering rules based on service
port, IP, and sometimes MAC address. Unlike UNIX, packet-filtering
for Windows seem to be difficult to find, especially free versions.
Last year, I located a product called CHX-I. It is free for personal use,
but licenses need to be purchased for Education/Business. Fortunately,
I was granted a few licenses to allow for evaluation. CHX-I may not be
the easiest product to setup for inexperienced users, but it does what I
need it to do and seems to work very well. The firewall rules can be
saved to a text file and easily imported to other workstations that are
running CHX-I. I am not familiar with the Tiny Personal Firewall, but
looking at their website, it seems to include many of the same features
as CHX-I, so I may need to take a look at that product one of these days.
For more information on CHX-I:
> I'm curious to know what you all are using for a software firewall
> on your Windows desktops. Any suggestions and can you back up your
> claim for purchasing this specific product?
> David
James T Brown
UNIX System Administrator
Depts. of Geography/Fisheries & Wildlife
107 Geography Bldg.
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
email: [log in to unmask]