It would be a good idea for anyone who suspects that someone is
repeatedly attempting to break into a repository of institutional data
to call the police. That applies to break-ins over the net as well as
suspected physical intrusions. DPPS now has detectives assigned to
computer crime and forensics, and of course they have longstanding
experience in investigating physical break-ins. If you suspect a
physical break-in, I'd worry about the computer and other containers
(digital and paper) housing sensitive data being physically removed
next time.
Good luck,
On 12/20/05, David K McFarlane <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Troy,
> > I was wrong, Remote Desktop on XP uses Type 10, while in 2000 it would use
> > Type 2. The only other mention I found producing this error was logging in
> > through a KVM IP switch. I don't suppose that workstation has had one of
> > those installed.
> Thanks, that's what I was looking for. Of course, that workstation does not
> have a KVM IP switch. So the evidence for a physical break-in is looking
> pretty solid. I suppose I could reformat and re-install, but if the
> intruder is getting through 4 locked doors and cracking passwords, then
> reformatting, etc. is just a waste of time. Looks like it's time to go to
> video surveillance.
> -- David McFarlane
> Systems Designer
> Michigan State University, Dept. of Psychology
> [log in to unmask]