Quite possibly, but if this were a coordinated university-wide effort, it might make more sense to actually recruit Surplus or a related department to coordinate such an effort. Don't get me wrong, I'm not volunteering anyone for this duty, as I know anything like this would require a lot of work and effort to make happen. I guess what I'm really asking this audience is, could you get behind this idea or is it a waste of time and effort to consider this when eventually, a lot of this kind of equipment would be replaced with new gear?
John A. Resotko
Head of Systems Administration
Michigan State University College of Law
208 Law College Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 517-432-6836
Fax: 517-432-6861
Current Chairperson of the
MSU Network Communications Committee
>>> "Bosman, Don" <[log in to unmask]> 9/19/2005 9:20 AM >>>
Wouldn't the board of trustees have to pass a special authorization to allow this? It is my understandly, subject to correction, that university departments are required to send everything to surplus for disposal.
Don Bosman
Information Technologist
Michigan State University, Libraries
100 Library
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-432-6123 ex 233
[log in to unmask]
-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of John Resotko
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 8:52 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] Hurricane Relief: Clean out your Tech. Closets?
After reading recent posts on TechRepublic with advice on how to recover flooded PCs, servers, and other hardware, I had to wonder if anyone has started a drive to send network and IT gear down south?