After reading recent posts on TechRepublic with advice on how to recover flooded PCs, servers, and other hardware, I had to wonder if anyone has started a drive to send network and IT gear down south? I'm sure most systems and network adminsitrators have an old switch, hub, PC, or laptop that isn't quite up to snuff, but is still good enough to gather dust on your shelves (as you keep telling yourself you'll just use it as a "hot spare" if your good, top-of-the-line equipment fails.)
Has anyone started a drive to "clean out your IT storage closets" and donate older gear to help hospitals, schools, public institutions like police and fire, and universities in Mississippi and Louisiana get their IT operations back up and running again? Perhaps some vendors would be willing to sponsor the effort, and provide some assistance with shipping, storage, and delivery of such gear?
Yeah, a lot of their gear will be covered by insurance. Still, many places may have to wait a while before insurance money is forthcoming, or inventory is even available to replace damaged and drowned equipment. I'm just trying to think of a way technology people could help. Just thinking out loud here... your thoughts?
John A. Resotko
Head of Systems Administration
Michigan State University College of Law
208 Law College Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 517-432-6836
Fax: 517-432-6861
Current Chairperson of the
MSU Network Communications Committee