The MSU Computer Center has an authorized apple support center. Rm 505
Computer Center should be able to help you out. 535-5266 for the Repair
front desk.
Hope that helps.
-Jeff Utter
Network Management Services
Michigan State University
301 Computer Center
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"The mome rath isn't born that could outgrabe me."
Bosman, Don wrote:
> We have been instructed to look in to more MACs for the library.
> Currently we have no support for repair. In warranty machines can go to Eubulus but where or where can we take out of warranty machines? Please do not refer us to CompUSA except as a last resort.
> Don Bosman
> Information Technologist
> Michigan State University, Libraries
> 100 Library
> East Lansing, MI 48824
> 517-432-6123 ex 233
> [log in to unmask]