We have an MSU Webmasters mailing list, but that's announcement-only.
It's a Listserv-style mailing list. If you're ever looking for the
list again, go to computing.msu.edu and search for:
The Webmasters mailing list is very low-volume, mostly just for
meeting announcements. (Which reminds me, Webmasters hasn't met in a
while. Watch the mailing list for a meeting announcement soon.)
We had an ANGEL group that someone set up a while back, but I don't
think it ever saw much action.
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 13:26:45 -0500, John Gorentz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Didn't Rich Wiggins set up a spinoff group for MSU web managers? I can't seem to find information about it.