FYI -- Dave Gift sent this memo to Deans, Directors, and Chairs this evening.
At you'll find links to press reports that give more
information about China's Internet censorship efforts. A couple
points to note:
-- China has blocked entire university domains in the past, e.g. those
of MIT and Duke. So far as we know, it's only access to
that's blocked.
-- Blockage may vary by location or ISP in China; it may be
intermittent; it may end, or become more extensive, without notice.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David A Gift <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:44:20 -0500
Subject: China blocking access to
To: DeanDirectorChair List <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: Barbara Steidle <[log in to unmask]>, Bob Banks <[log in to unmask]>,
Hi Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]>, June Youatt <[log in to unmask]>, Karen
Klomparens <[log in to unmask]>, Lee June <[log in to unmask]>, Linda
Stanford <[log in to unmask]>, Lou Anna Simon <[log in to unmask]>, Marti
Hesse <[log in to unmask]>, Pam Horne <[log in to unmask]>, Pat Lowrie
<[log in to unmask]>, Rene Stewart O'Neal <[log in to unmask]>, Rick
Shipman <[log in to unmask]>, Deborah DeZure <[log in to unmask]>, Mark
Luebker <[log in to unmask]>, Dave Byelich <[log in to unmask]>, Bill Abbett
<[log in to unmask]>, Paulette Granberry-Russell <[log in to unmask]>,
Bill Beekman <[log in to unmask]>, Sandra Conn <[log in to unmask]>
TO: Deans, Directors, and Chairs; Provost's staff
FROM: David Gift, Vice Provost, Libraries, Computing & Technology
SUBJECT: Problem reaching from China
This week we received reports that China is blocking access to MSU's main
Web presence, Attempts to reach from within China
are apparently being blocked at that country's border; blockages may be
intermittent. We are not aware of any other MSU Web sites that currently
are being blocked. However, a significant amount of official MSU content
appears under the umbrella.
Press reports indicate that China has increased its censorship of Internet
sites since the death of former party chair Zhao Ziyang; many varied Web
sites, both inside and outside China, are also being blocked.
We have no direct means to test remotely in order to determine if a given
MSU site is blocked. Any MSU units that operate programs in China, or have
travelers in China, should be aware of this situation, as should any units
with programs that depend upon the ability of participants or potential
participants in China to access MSU Web space.
Please check for more information, including links to
recent news reports, and for updates.