We one user in the Physics Dept. However, he finds the integration
routines very useful and more effective than those in some other
packages. We are planning to purchase IMSL for Linux and move its use
from a SUN machine to a Linux cluster (the Dept. SUN machine isn't a
good place for longer user calculations).
Thanks for looking into this.
Richard Wiggins wrote:
>An inquiry within ACNS yields no knowledge of an MSU site license for IMSL.
>Do you think MSU should have same?
>Wow, I remember back to the 1970s when IMSL was one of our key
>mainframe software tools. :-)
>On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 13:56:13 -0500, Tom Rockwell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>YAQASL - yet another query about site licenses. Is there a campus
>>license for Visual Numerics IMSL Fortran libraries, or is anybody
>>outside of the Physics Department licensing this software?
>>Tom Rockwell