Are they using Word to compose e-mail (the default for some strange
reason)? If so, change it (tools -> options -> mail format) so that
outlook is used to compose e-mail. If this is the cause, that should
correct the problem.
| Michael Surato |
| Resource Center for Persons |
| with Disabilities |
| Michigan State University |
| 120 Bessey Hall |
| East Lansing, MI 48824 |
| Voice: (517) 353-9643 Fax: (517) 432-3191 |
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Wendy Tate
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 3:35 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] Outlook 2002 Question
Hi All;
I am stumped, and I'm hoping for some fresh ideas. I've got a user who
is running MS Outlook 2002 on a brand new computer. This PC has been
firewalled, antivirused, and antispywared since before it was networked,
and it's current on Windows Update, Office updates, and virus
I'm certain the computer has not been compromised, but, every time she
tries to create a new message in MS Outlook, she gets the following
error message:
"A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in
Outlook. Do you want to allow this?
If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose No."
The options the message presents range from not allowing any access at
all, to allowing it for a period of up to ten minutes. This means that
there's no way to permanently accept or decline the access request; so
it pops up every ten minutes and is a real annoyance.
We do not run an Exchange server, so there aren't any administrative
settings which affect her Outlook. She's just using .
The only programs that show up in her Add-Ins manager are Norton
(Corporate 9.0), MS Fax, and Exchange Extensions. She hasn't loaded any
Com add-ins, file sharing programs, or chat programs that might be to
blame. All my AV and bot scans are negative. As best I can tell, this
error is happening when Outlook is launching MS Word as an e-mail
The only thing I can think of about her computer that's different from
the others in our department is that it is brand new, and therefore I
clean-installed Norton's version 9.0 on it, instead of running the
upgrade from our older version.
Does anyone know of a permanent way to get rid of this error message?
Barring that, can you think of what might be causing it that I haven't
thought of? Is there something in the new Norton that I should be
Thanks for your time;
Wendy Tate
Network Coordinator
Department of Economics
W. 147 Owen Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48825-1109
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