Kim Geiger wrote:
> I have a strange problem that's causing me a lot of trouble. Since the network engineering help line was, shall we say to be
> polite, something less than helpful, I thought I'd run it up the flagpole here.
> We recently installed a Netware 6.5 server with the same static address as the Netware 4.11 server it replaced:
> With 6.5, many things that used to use IPX or Appletalk are now done via tcp/ip. If a client has a MSU DHCP assigned address in
> the 35.10.x.x range, they cannot access server resources or even ping, although they can ping other 35.8.x.x addresses
> just fine.
> All other ip addresses, on and off campus, *can* see this server, just not the 35.10.x.x addresses that most of my clients are
> assigned. If I manually add a statement to the routing table of each client, then these clients can see the server, but that's
> only a bandaid solution, particularly since I don't think there's a way to add a permanent route on Win98 machines. And I'd really
> rather not give all of my clients static 35.8.x.x addresses.
> I've tried adding a variety of routing statements on the server itself, but nothing seems to make a difference. Besides, it's not
> a router and shouldn't have to handle much in the way of routing tasks, should it?
> Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!
A few questions to aide in debugging.
What static route makes it work?
What does tracert output from a client show?
What subnet mask and gateway do you use on the Netware server?
Are the server and clients on the same physical network segment?
netstat -r from both the server and clients may also be helpful.