IMO, this list if fine for video conferencing questions. If others
disagree and there is sufficient interest, I'd like to see an email list
for administrators of video conference systems created. There must be a
fairly large number of video conference systems across campus. I
administrate 3 Polycom systems and I know of other systems in our
Is there an office on campus that provides support for video conference
Is that the power supply you need?
Tom Rockwell
Mike Mackert wrote:
> I couldn't think of any other group at MSU to send this to that might
> be able to help, so here goes nothing...
> I work on a research project in the Telecom department, and through a
> rather unbelievable series of events a Polycom ViewStation room-based
> system has gone MIA. Our SBC project manager was kind enough to help
> us out by donating an older ViewStation system, the only problem being
> that it doesn't have a power supply. So now it's my task to try and
> track down a spare power supply if there's one somewhere on campus...
> It's a Polycom ViewStation (Model PVS-1419-Q) that we need a power
> supply for. If anyone happens to have one laying around or an idea of
> where I might be able to find one, it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks for any possible help you can offer!
> Mike Mackert
> Research Assistant
> MSU Department of Telecommunication