At 05:12 PM 6/4/2004, Doug Nelson wrote:
>John Gorentz writes:
>> I did it the way Chris Harper suggested (using \\ and it worked! So I imagine the numeric address would work, too. It sounds plausible that it's a WINS problem.
>> I wonder how stable the name is going to be. But I'm going to go ahead and tell our faculty people to use it for now. They're trying to get ready for some classes that will begin week after next.
>> I'll keep Bill Wheeler's suggestions in mind when we set up our own VPN concentrator. I've ordered a low-end Cisco box for this purpose, rather than use a Win2000 server for it. (No guarantees that I know what I'm doing.)
>Before you publicize a connection to, try connecting
>to \\ and see if that works. That will avoid troubles if we do
>take a computer system out of the rotary for maintenance.
>I will also pass this on to our VPN guy, to see if we can determine what might
>be affecting connections via \\afs alone. Our WINS person checked, and WINS
>is responding properly here on campus.
Doug, I tried \\ and it does not work. I tried \\ again, and I can still make connections that way.
I haven't widely publicized the \\ , but have made it known to the people trying to get ready for their classes. I also pointed out that it might not be a good long-term solution.