> Have any changes been made recently at the network perimeter which would
> cause problems for IP based (H.323) videoconferencing? I have a user who
> has been successfully videoconferencing with a colleague in Germany for a
> few months. The user in Germany initiates the videoconference. Last week
> they were unable to connect.
> I just ran a test with someone in New Mexico, they were also unable to
> connect to our unit. I did not try initiating the connection to them since
> they have firewall issues at their end.
> I tested the equipment by connecting to it from within the building and from
> another building on campus so the equipment appears to functioning normally,
> is properly configured and there appears to be no issue with the building
> router.
> Has there been some policy change at the campus network perimeter to block
> IP videoconferencing?
There has been no change at the border that should affect videoconferencing.
Do you know what port number is being used? The only ports we block at the
border are related to Microsoft networking.
Doug Nelson, Network Manager | [log in to unmask]
Academic Computing and Network Services | Ph: (517) 353-2980
Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu/~nelson/