At 04:14 PM 6/4/2004, Chris Wolf wrote:
>I just tried this and couldn't get it to work the recommended way, but found a workaround. I dialed in via Merit Global, which is an "off-campus" connection, and ran the VPN client. I was able to use Windows Explorer to open several shares on my own Windows servers without problems. (It asked for my username and password, which I supplied, and it opened the share.) When I tried \\afs\root or \\afs\wolfc in Windows Explorer, it failed, saying it cannot find \\afs\root (without asking for credentials).
>However, opening \\\root got me to AFS just fine. That would make it appear to be some sort of problem with WINS, perhaps.
>I'm sure ACNS wouldn't recommend that we connect using an IP address, so maybe they can come up with a solution.
I did it the way Chris Harper suggested (using \\ and it worked! So I imagine the numeric address would work, too. It sounds plausible that it's a WINS problem.
I wonder how stable the name is going to be. But I'm going to go ahead and tell our faculty people to use it for now. They're trying to get ready for some classes that will begin week after next.
I'll keep Bill Wheeler's suggestions in mind when we set up our own VPN concentrator. I've ordered a low-end Cisco box for this purpose, rather than use a Win2000 server for it. (No guarantees that I know what I'm doing.)
Thanks, everyone!
John Gorentz