Reading your message inspired me to try out the MSU Central VPN access
from home here in Grand Rapids, MI. Using a Comcast cable internet
account, I successfully connected to the VPN, and attached to my AFS
storage space.
The way I understand the VPN is working is it routes anything .msu.edu
through the VPN virtual Ethernet adapter and then anything else, through
your standard Comcast internet access.
I was able to access my afs space via \\cc-pubafs-4.cl.msu.edu, which is
the hostname of the AFS server, which then seems to route the request
through the VPN, instead of just your primary internet connection.
Hope this helps.
Chris Harper
Tech Support
University Relations
Michigan State University
1330 S. Harrison
East Lansing, MI 48823
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A Division of University Relations providing the MSU community with
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-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of John Gorentz
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 3:09 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] AFS access from off-campus
Is anyone using the VPN successfully from off-campus for access to AFS
We haven't been able to get it to work here at the Kellogg Biological
Station. The ACNS helpdesk says to use OpenAFS if we can't get VPN to
work. We can probably do that, but it would be much nicer to use VPN.
That way we'd have a common solution for all computers, and a solution
that will also work for people to use from elsewhere to connect to our
own file servers (once I have my own VPN concentrator in operation).
No matter what we try, we get "the network path...could not be found".
I've installed the client, made sure the proper host names are in place
in the DNS panel, and have pointed to the WINS server at
We've also enabled plain text passwords.
I am not at all an experienced user of VPNs, much less a manager of
them, so maybe I'm missing something obvious. But given the response I
got from the ACNS helpdesk, I'm wondering if *anyone* has gotten this to
John Gorentz