> I have one user who keeps getting the following when sending to a
> particular address @AOL:
> SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data:
> host mailin-01.mx.aol.com []: 554-:
> (RLY:CS2)
> http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554rlycs.html
> I have a vague recollection that this was an issue several months
> ago with mail coming from the msu.edu domain. Is it still? Why
> is it happening? Can anyone refresh my memory?
This was a problem related to the Pilot.msu.edu mail servers. Since
those systems were retired, we have gotten some complaints from AOL,
but they have generally been traced to users who forward their mail
from an msu.edu account to an AOL account. I do not believe we have
had any of the mail.msu.edu servers blocked because of this.
I would guess that your are seeing this on an e-mail originating through
a departmental mail server, and if so, you should have your mail system
admin contact AOL to understand what errors they are seeing.
If it does have some connection with the central mail system, then let
me know, and I'll make sure we get the word to our mail system team.
Doug Nelson, Network Manager | [log in to unmask]
Academic Computing and Network Services | Ph: (517) 353-2980
Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu/~nelson/