> At the June MSU NAG meeting, it was mentioned that the AireSpace wireless
> people would have their demo truck in the Lansing area on July 30th, and
> that they would send E-mails with the details of exactly where and when
> to people who went to their website and filled out a free registration
> form. Lih-Er Wey from ACNS sent the URL to the NCC mailing list, so
> here it is for interested NAG members:
> http://airespace.enabledsites.com/demotour/
> AireSpace was one of the hardware solutions in the running for the main
> "campus solution" to wireless access; bids were due in a week and a
> half ago. Perhaps someone from ACNS will let the MSU NAG know when/if
> any of the bids are/were accepted.
We're still reviewing the bids, but we should make our decision shortly.
The review process is taking a while due to vacation schedules.
We received six bid responses, which were from Chantry Networks; SBC
(with Cisco AP's); IBM (with a grand vision for the future, but no
product); and three vendors which quoted Airespace or Airespace-OEM
Doug Nelson, Network Manager | [log in to unmask]
Academic Computing and Network Services | Ph: (517) 353-2980
Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu/~nelson/