The July MSU NAG meeting will be 1:30-3:00 pm, Wednesday, 07 July 2004 in
room 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg.
There will be a presentation by Diana D'Angelo of the Client Advocacy Office
concerning the effects on computing/network operations & management of
various regulations, policies and laws regarding student privacy rights
(a prime example being the set of rules set up under 'FERPA', the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act). There will be refreshments.
We are still looking for presentations (vendor or internal) for the
August meeting, which can be in the afternoon on either the 11th or 13th
of August, so if you have any contacts who would be interested, let either
John Resotko ([log in to unmask]) or me know, so the date can be settled
as soon as possible (if we don't have a presentation lined up by mid-July
we will just pick a date and go with it). Actually, if a vendor is
interested but neither of these times are good for a presentation, we can
pick some other time/date _if_ we hear early enough (say, by the time of
the July meeting).
George J Perkins
1209B BPS Bldg, MSU Phone: 517-355-9200 ext 2567
East Lansing, MI 48824-2320 FAX: 517-353-4500