You didn't say what protocol you were using for this in the past. We used the Finger protocol directed to In April of 2003, I found that this no longer worked with, and I had the exchange below with ACNS. They never answered my second query about it. My guess is that it's gone. (You mention port 465, which doesn't sound right at all. Finger uses port 79. Port 465 is for SMTP, I believe.)
>Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 17:07:19 -0400
>To: MSUConsultingServices <[log in to unmask]>
>From: Chris Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: New Finger Server?
>Bcc: [log in to unmask] (Brian Hoort), [log in to unmask]
>Thanks for the reply. We have several users who love the fact that Eudora can look up addresses on (as a finger server) and (as a phone directory). We've tried to convince them to use the web, but they say it's too much of a hassle to switch to their browser to go to a web-based search page when a lookup is available right in their mail program. Are you saying they simply won't have that option any more after Pilot goes away?
>At 04:58 PM 4/17/2003, you wrote:
>>AIS is working on a new search mechanism that is supposed to bring in more
>>current information from the faculty/staff directory and more. This big
>>project, I believe, is scheduled to be out sometime over the summer. Once it
>>is available we will be working to use that within the web interface.
>>/scott thomas
>>------Original Message------
>>SUBJECT: New Finger Server?
>>COMMENTS: Is there a new finger server to go along with the new mail
>>system, and if so, what is its address? Thanks. --Chris Wolf
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At 12:48 PM 6/14/2004, Adell Flourry Jr. wrote:
>This is to those who support faculty/staff using Eudora for email.
>I have talked to ACNS regarding my problem and they had no answer.
>When using directory services function of Eudora in the past one could
>find e-mail addresses of campus faculty, staff and students. Since
>pilot has been turned off this feature stopped working. I looked in the
>protocol configuration and changed to and
>port 465. When a search is attempted it comes back, after a long
>search, with no data.
>I am wondering if this feature is no longer supported with the new
>e-mail system or is there something I need to do to Eudora.
>Any ideas?
>Adell Flourry Jr
>Computer Assistant
>Family and Child Ecology
Chris Wolf Computer Service Manager
Agricultural Economics [log in to unmask]
Michigan State University 517 353-5017