The June 2004 MSU NAG meeting is today (Friday, 11 June 2004) at 1:30 pm
in 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg. There are no scheduled
presentations, so it will probably be a relatively short meeting (no more
than an hour, I'd guess, unless someone comes up with something really
interesting to discuss). There will be refreshments.
We are still checking to see if a vendor can give a presentation on
either Wednesday July 7th or Friday July 9th. If we hear back in the
affirmative from one of the possibilities before the end of next week,
that will settle the date for the July meeting. If we don't, one of the
above dates will be chosen and announced at that time.
George J Perkins
1209B BPS Bldg, MSU Phone: 517-355-9200 ext 2567
East Lansing, MI 48824-2320 FAX: 517-353-4500