One message you CAN emphasize to your end users is to go to
known trusted sources on the Web (SARC, CERT, etc.) and
published (and hopefully trusted) MSU sites (
and if they suspect they have received a
suspect message or otherwise have been compromised.
Obviously at the beginning of an outbreak
there will be some lag time before we get local announcements
up. But if the masses of people will at least check for
an alert first, we can cut WAY down on calls to help desks.
Also, LCT is developing a new Web site,,
which will have space on the home page for general alerts as
well as security news (and good news and events). We've talked about
an icon (red light?) to visually depict a security event or outages.
We're working on tools to feed all of the content from a single source.
(Potentially if you have a departmental home page you might be able
to pick up the same RSS feed.)
In this case we also coordinated with University Relations and
this morning put a Spotlight on the MSU home page. We can't do
that for every incident, of course.
Finally, I did manage to get reach the State News last night just
before deadline, and their reporter did a great job of covering
the story with very little notice. She's working on another story
for tomorrow's paper.