Perhaps I'm just being dumb again, but can you explain what you
mean by having the policy approved by your governing board,
ie the policy of having a firewall, or what it does?
Thanks, STeve Andre'
On Wednesday 17 March 2004 03:54 pm, Willson, Jim wrote:
> Fellow network administrators:
> We are in the process of planning and implementing a firewall at our
> college. An important first step is to write a supporting policy for
> such a system, and then have it approved by our college's governing
> board.
> As there are other units out there that are also working on implementing
> firewalls and other security measures, I would like to take this
> opportunity to collaborate with those of you interested in developing
> policies like this to help protect and secure our networks.
> Does anyone out there already have a security policy in place that
> addresses these issues? Would you be willing to share it with me and/or
> the group?
> Is anyone interested in collaborating in the writing of a network
> security policy for use at the college/unit level?
> Thanks,
> Jim Willson
> Information Technology Services
> Broad College of Business
> Michigan State University