According to the student Employment Office it's all based on what level
the students are hired at. Mine are hired at Level 2 and may or may
not be upgraded to Level 3 after a year or two.
The following information was taken from:
Level I: $6.27 - $7.80
Level II: $6.81 - $8.51
Level III: $7.43 - $9.26
Level IV: $8.10 - $11.18
Level V: $10.25 - $14.49
Missy Koos
Webmistress & Database Developer
Student Affair & Services
Michigan State University
113 Student Services Building
East Lansing, MI 48824
517.355.9510 x138
On Monday, October 13, 2003, at 10:59 AM, John Resotko wrote:
> While I know that anything related to HR is a sensitive subject, I'm
> attempting to justify an increase in the starting salary I offer to
> students in my Technology Department. The common answer I usually
> receive from upper management is "what are other MSU departments
> paying?" whenever I try to make any increase. So, my question is for
> anyone using student employees in technical positions, be it on your
> own help desk, or configuring and troubleshooting PCs, or in any job
> where a minimum level of technical knowledge and skill are required to
> be hired.
> My question to NAG is what are you offering as a starting hourly wage
> to student "techies"? I know we all compete with each other for good
> student help, so I understand if you are unwilling to reply. Also, if
> you prefer not to share this information publicly, please email me
> directly at [log in to unmask] and I will keep that information
> confidential if you wish. My thanks for any feedback you are willing
> to provide.
> John A. Resotko
> Head of Systems Administration
> MSU - Detroit College of Law
> 208 Law College Building
> East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
> email: [log in to unmask]
> Phone: 517-432-6836
> Fax: 517-432-6861