We have at least five from University Services planning to attend.
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Please forward to Webmasters, HTML authors, and anyone concerned with
accessibility of MSU Web sites. If you wish to attend this demo,
sign up this afternoon so we are sure we have enough seats (see
Demonstration of LIFT Web Accessibility Tools
Please join us on February 25th for a demonstration on making Web
accessible for persons with disabilities. We especially invite members
of the MSU community who prepare content for MSU Web sites and who
tools to aid in making content accessible.
Paolo A. Brajnik, co-founder of UsableNet (
will demonstrate LIFT -- software tools that can assist webmasters and
HTML authors in ensuring that their HTML content meets accessibility
standards, such as the W3C guidelines and Section 508.
The LIFT suite includes LIFT Desktop, which is a plug-in for
or FrontPage. LIFT Desktop allows the HTML author to interactively
detect and repair accessibility problems. Mr. Brajnik will also
demonstrate LIFT's Web-based accessibility tools, which can be used to
audit the accessibility of any Web site.
Before the LIFT demonstration, Michael Hudson, director of the
Center for Persons with Disabilities ( ), will
briefly demonstrate how technology allows people with visual
to surf the Web. Mr. Hudson has used a PC with screen reading
technology since the mid 1980s, and uses the technology each day for
e-mail and Web activities. These two demonstrations should help HTML
authors visualize the need for constructing accessible Web content, as
well as one set of tools to assist with the effort.
The demonstrations will take place in the Minnesota Room in the Union
Building on February 25, 2003 between 10:00 and noon.
Seating is limited, so we ask that you sign up by sending email to
[log in to unmask] In the Subject line, please include "LIFT demo." Please
include your phone number in the message. Or, if you prefer, please
telephone Barb Monroe at 353-4856. Because of keen interest in this
topic, please sign up only if you intend to join us.
This event is sponsored by the Client Advocacy Office, a unit of
Libraries, Computing & Technology.