The College of Communication Arts & Sciences uses 3 Apple Xserves
running Mac OS X 10.2.3, Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.1.2 (w/ mime patch), MySQL
3.23.53, NFSD, Samba, and QuickTime Streaming Server. (The servers are
shared with the Comm Tech Lab and its projects.) There is currently one
half time person and 3 hourly students (36+ hours/week) that support the
6 main sites and about 70 subsites.
Peter L. Maziak
Webmaster, College of Communication Arts & Sciences
Manager, Communication Technology Laboratory
Email: [log in to unmask] Office: 517.353.5497 Fax: 517.353.5498
John Resotko wrote:
> Good Morning, I know that a number of departments host their websites
> thru MSU Computer Laboratory, while others have chosen to run their
> own webservers. I'm considering creating a webserver, so I have a few
> questions for those of you who host your own: 1) What specific
> hardware/software platform did you chose for your webserver? I don't
> need explicit technical details, but I am most interested in what OS
> and webserver software you use.2) Do you have any in-house staff, full
> or part time, who are dedicated to maintaining the webserver?3) What
> was your primary reason to do-it-yourself? Cost? Ease of
> maintenance? A desire to create more work for your network
> administrators? (grin) Any information you are willing to share would
> be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to respond outside the list
> address by emailing me directly at [log in to unmask] Thank you in
> advance for your assistance. John A. Resotko
> Head of Systems Administration
> MSU - Detroit College of Law
> 208 Law College Building
> East Lansing, MI 48824-1300
> email: [log in to unmask]
> Phone: 517-432-6836
> Fax: 517-432-6861
Peter L. Maziak
Manager, Communication Technology Laboratory
Webmaster, College of Communication Arts & Sciences
Email: [log in to unmask] Office: 517.353.5497 Fax: 517.353.5498