We are not currently blocking any port to or from the Internet. This makes
it very important to secure the servers themselves.
Joe Budzyn [log in to unmask]
301 Computer Center Ph: (517) 355-4500 x162
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, John Valenti wrote:
> hi Joe,
> Just out of curiosity, does MSU block any ports to/from the Internet?
> Is that documented somewhere? (hmmm, maybe we need Dr Phil)
> -jav
> At 03:57 PM 8/27/2002 -0400, somebody wrote:
> >4. If you're in an environment where you have TCP139/TCP445 open to the
> >Internet, you don't need NTBugtraq, you need Dr. Phil. Buy a $50 Linksys
> >router and put it in front of your machine and use it to block all but
> >those few you really want open (which doesn't include those two).
> * John Valenti Systems Analyst, Labor & Industrial Relations *
> * 408 S Kedzie Hall, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824 *
> * (517) 353-1807 fax (517) 355-7656 [log in to unmask] *