You are correct, except AIS was providing the service, not the Computer Lab.
We have a service in production and available called Sentinel. Sentinel is
currently only available for IIS4/II5, but other web servers should be
coming shortly. An official announcement should be happening in the near
future (Although I would have told you the same thing a month ago, beloved
politics). If you're interested in using Sentinel, you should contact the
AIS Help & Support Center at [log in to unmask] . Also, if you would like
to use Sentinel on another Web Server, it would be helpful if you let ais311
know of your interest and what web server(s) you would like to see it on.
As soon as the official announcement is made, I or someone else from AIS,
will make sure the official announcement gets posted to this mailing list (I
believe a presentation to NAG is on our list of announcement tools).
As always, if you want some more info, feel free to contact me and I'll get
it to you or at least steer you in the right direction,
Timothy D. First, MCSE, CNA [log in to unmask]
Information Technologist II (517) 353-4420 x335
Administrative Information Services Fax: (517) 355-5176
Michigan State University
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Wolf [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 8:48 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Kerberos Authentication
At the last NAG meeting, I recall someone saying that the Computer Lab was
about to provide tools so that campus webmasters and others could
authenticate users using their MSUNet IDs and passwords. I thought it was
supposed to be announced officially very shortly after that meeting. Am I
remembering this right and, if so, what has become of it? Thanks.
Chris Wolf Computer Service Manager
Agricultural Economics [log in to unmask]
Michigan State University 517 353-5017